About the Rathausgalerie (City Hall Gallery)

The Rathausgalerie in Munich’s New City Hall is centrally located on the Marienplatz. With almost 2,500 square feet and dating back to 1905, the historic hall is one of the largest and most frequently visited art venues in the city. Here, exhibitions of contemporary art are presented from March to November, each offering exciting insights into the Munich art scene and showcasing its quality and diversity. The gallery’s program is curated by Nina Oswald on behalf of the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich.

Foto: Der rötliche Marmorbrunnen steht im Zentrum der Halle auf einem schwarz-weißen Fliesenfußboden. Dahinter öffnen fünf Torbögen mit grauen Granitpfeilern den Durchgang zu einem weiteren Raum. Transparente hellgelbe und rosafarbene Vorhänge hängen zwis

Exhibition Ayzit Bostan Raumansicht, Photo: Fabian Frinzel

The Rathausgalerie is a place to linger. Formerly the cashier’s lobby of the New City Hall, it is a space filled with references to past eras including an impressive domed skylight, a marble fountain, columns decorated with capitals that support large, rounded arches, and eye-catching original period tiles with black-and-white ornamentation.

Here, visitors can experience art through events that offer individual access to exhibitions, whether in the form of encounters and discussions with artists and curators, guided tours, performances, workshops, or projects for all age groups.

Foto der Rathausgalerie: Ausschnitt mit schwarz-weiß gefließtem Boden. Auf der linken Seite ist ein Teil des rotfarbenen Brunnenbeckens zu erkennen.

© Fabian Frinzel

Historische Uhr mit goldenen verzierten Zeigern. Das Ziffernblatt ist in den Farben rot, weiß, schwarz und blau gehalten. Ein Schriftzug in historischer Schrift umrandet das Ziffernblatt mit den Worten: An jedem Tag  die Stunden bringen Wonne und Wunden

Historische Uhr der früheren Kassenhalle, Photo: Priscillia Grubo

Foto: Ein Gang mit weißem Deckengewölbe führt zu einer weißen Wand am Ende des Gangs. Auf beiden Seiten wird das Gewölbe von jeweils 4 grauen Granitpfeilern getragen.

Blick in Gewölbegang der Rathausgalerie, Photo: Fabian Frinzel


Today’s Rathausgalerie is located in the New City Hall on the Marienplatz. It was built in the neo-Gothic architectural style during three building phases between 1867–1909 according to the plans of architect Georg von Hauberrisser. The New City Hall is the seat of the mayor and the city council and serves as the headquarters of Munich’s city administration.

At the time of its construction (1898–1905), the rooms of the Rathausgalerie housed the cashier’s lobby with its so-called Stadthauptkasse (city treasury), making it a central point of contact for Munich’s citizens, since they were required to pay their taxes and city fees in cash until the 1970s.

Foto: Ein Gang mit weißem Deckengewölbe führt zu einer Holztür am Ende des Gangs. Auf der linken Seite tragen öffnen sich vier Bogendurchgänge in einen weiteren Teil des Raumes, durch eine Fensterfront auf der rechten Seite fällt Licht in den Gang.

Raumansicht Rathausgalerie, Photo: Fabian Frinzel

In some respects, the hall has always been a place for art, not only because of its marble fountain, whose designer is unknown today, but also because of the glass dome that spans the large cashier’s courtyard. Until its complete destruction during the Second World War, this glass roof was decorated with designs by artist Waldemar Kolmsperger the Elder, who also was involved in painting the Bavarian castles of Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein, among others.

At its center was a painting entitled Monachia Distributes a Shower of Gold Together with the Münchner Kindl. Originally, the artist had planned to depict the individual departments of the city budget on each of the four sides of the roof. Instead, he was commissioned to depict the Oktoberfest and the city’s charitable foundations and institutions, which were intended to serve as symbols of the city administration’s revenues and expenditures.

Originally, the cashier offices were grouped around the courtyard on both sides, with the office of the city treasurer — containing the only access to the safe — situated at the rear. These interior fittings have since been removed, but the marble fountain remains in the center, flanked on both sides by twenty granite columns and pillars with bases and capitals made of Jura limestone from Treuchlingen. Above the entrance, a stone half-figure depicting a cashier with a money bag is a reminder of the original use of this space.

Skulptur aus Stein: Das Halbkörperporträt eines Geldboten der früheren Kassenhalle tritt aus einem ovalen Rahmen hervor. Der bärtige Mann hebt mit der rechten Hand seine Mütze zum Gruß. In der linken Hand hält einen Sack mit Münzen. Sein Umhang mit Puffär

Skulptur des Geldboten der Kassenhalle über dem Eingang zur Rathausgalerie,
Photo: Priscillia Grubo

From Cashier’s Lobby to Exhibition Space

In the 1970s, the city treasurer’s office ceased cashier operations in the City Hall. Due to the hall’s unique architecture, the art scene endeavored to use the vacant space and was supported by the city council. A proposal regarding the “Situation of the Fine Arts in Munich” was passed by the city council on December 20, 1979, and became the founding resolution for the Rathausgalerie. As soon as December 1979, the artist Alfred Darda — with the support of then-cultural officer Jürgen Kolbe and the Professional Association of Visual Artists — organized and presented the exhibition Münchner Künstler im Rathaus (Munich Artists in City Hall), which featured more than 300 works by 121 Munich artists. The Rathausgalerie, as an exhibition venue for contemporary art, was born.

During its first few years, a wide range of very different exhibition formats were presented until the Department of Arts and Culture appointed Peter Pinnau as director. He proposed a new concept that turned the Rathausgalerie into a space for Munich artists. Johannes Muggenthaler assumed the directorship in 2009, and Nina Oswald has been responsible for the Rathausgalerie’s artistic program at the Department of Arts and Culture since January 2023.


Huber, Brigitte. The New City Hall in Munich. Georg von Hauberrisser (1841–1922) and his Principal Work. Ebenhausen near Munich, 2006.

Kotteder, Franz. “Always Beautiful. 30 Years of the Rathausgalerie.” 30 Years of Art in the Rathausgalerie, 03.04.2009–30.04.2009. Ed. Peter Pinnau. Munich, 2009

Küppers, Hans-Georg. “Art in the Heart of the City.” 30 Years of Art in the Rathausgalerie, 03.04.2009–30.04.2009. Ed. Peter Pinnau. Munich, 2009.

Rädlinger, Christine. History of the Munich City Treasury in the 19th and 20th Centuries.

Ed. City of Munich Treasurer’s Office. Munich, 2000.

Foto: Im Zentrum der Rathausgalerie steht der rötliche Mamorbrunnen auf schwarz-weißen Fliesen. 10 graue Granitpfeiler und -säulen flankieren den Brunnen von allen Seiten. Ein Glasdach überspannt den gesamten Raum.

Raumansicht Rathausgalerie, Photo: Fabian Frinzel

Artists 2009 - 2024

Luzi Gross
Beate Engl
Justin Lieberman
Pancho Schlehhuber
Ayzit Bostan
Corbinian Böhm
Michael Gruber
Daniel Man
Serena Ferraro
Sebastian Giussani
Kay Winkler
Mykola Ridnyi
Yarema Malashchuk
Roman Khimei
Daniil Revkovskiy
Andriy Rachinskiy
Iryna Kudria
Ksenia Hnylytska
Lada Nakonechna
Paul Gehrmann
Lena von Geyso
Bohdana-Yaryna Topilko
Hyojoo Jung
Eunji Seo
Youngjung Lee
Minjae Lee
Younjin Yi
Youlee Ku
Siyoung Kim
Tina Hudelmaier
Albert Weis
Burkard Blümlein
Patrizia Wich
Sofi Zezmer
Mathias Hirtreiter
Anna Lea Hucht
Paul Albert Leitner
Gregor Passens
Angela Fechter
Karin Kneffel
Martin Spengler
Felix Rehfeld
Melanie Siegel
Maria Schulze
Daniel Behrendt
Stefan Winter
Fumio Yasuda
Mariko Takahashi
Uli Aigner
Gilbert Bretterbauer
Sylvia Eckermann
Manfred Erjatz
Judith Fegerl
Leonie Felle
Sofia Goscinski
Tina Haase
Marlene Haring
Gregor Hildebrandt
Leopold Kessler
Brigitte Kowanz
Hans Kupelwieser
Sonia Leimer
Michaela Melian
Olaf Metzel
Werner Reiterer
Anne Schneider
Toni Schmale
Esther Stocker
Jochen Traar
Timm Ulrichs
Franz West
Claudia Wieser
Stefan Wischnewski
Heimo Zobernig
Sabine Kienzer
Boban Andjelkovic
Thomas Kilpper
Alix Stadtbäumer
Jess Walter
Klaus Mecherlein
Isabelle Dyckerhoff
Nele Ströbel
Venske & Spänle
Maren Strack
Gerd Winner
Thomas Huber
Wolfgang Aichner
Stefan Hunstein
Edgar Ende
Mac Zimmermann
Fritz Hörauf
Peter Boerboom
Gabriele Obermaier
Carola Vogt
Silke Witzsch
Regina Schmeken
Ken Brown
Essi Utriainen
Oliver Westerbarkey
Andréas Lang
Sofie Bird Møller
Ludwig Arnold
Hermann Bigelmayer
Doris Hadersdorfer
Doris Hahlweg
Theresia Hefele
Carolina Kreusch
King Kong Kabinett
Eva Schöffel
Angela Fechter
Sandra Filic
Paul Albert Leitner
Stefan Winter
Wolfgang Ellenrieder
Jana Gunstheimer
Benedikt Hipp
Thomas Rentmeister
Veronika Veit
Burkard Blümlein
Florian Froese-Peeck
Gregor Passens
Maria & Neda Ploskow
Bettina Speckner
Christine Tanqueray
Oliver Westerbarkey
Scarlet Berner
Manfred Erjautz
Susanne Kraus
Patricia London Ante Paris

Stansilav Vajce
Franziska Wolff
Kirsten Zeitz
Sid Gastl
Bettina Scholz
Franz Wanner
Tina Hudelmaier
Maresa Bucher
Johannes Muggenthaler
Katja Rid
Dörthe Bäumer
Birthe Blauth
Augusta Laar
Michael von Hassel
Jagoda Bednarsky
Benedikte Bjerre
Gerald Domenig
Franziska Kneidel
Jürgen Krause
Rolf Poellat
Tobias Rehberger
Michael Riedel
Siegfried Kreitner
Martin Spengler
Wolfgang Stehle
Stefan Wischnewski
Thomas Baumann
Katrin Bertram
Erik Bünger
Ben Brunner
Judith Egger
Gilbert & George
Rodney Graham
Henrik Hakansson
Ute Heim
Theo Hofmann
Mauricio Kagel
Werner Reiterer
Wolfgang Stehle
Verena Stracke
Clea Seibt
Christine Tanqueray
Susanne Wagner
Stefan Winter
Marc Melchior
Melanie Kahlke
Herbert Nauderer
Stefan Winter
Albert Coers
Florian Froese-Peeck
Susu Gorth
Dana Lürken
Marc Fromm
Isabel Haase
Rita Hensen
Alix Stadtbäumer
Iskender Yediler
Felix Burger
Daniel Permanetter
Lisa Endriß
Peter Grigorio
Petra Gerschner
Anna McCarthy
Edouard Steinhauer
Sophia Süßmilch
Ernst-Otto Thomas
Florian Thomas
Martin Hast
Ute Klein
Rebekka Kraft
Oh-Seok Kwon
Ina Ettlinger
Vincent Mitzev
Ossi Fink
Fischli / Weiss
Stefano Giuriati
Luigi Troja
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Michele Bernardi
Burkard Blümlein
Katinka Bock
Rita Hensen
Christine Tanqueray
Lucia Falconi
Siegfried Kaden
Andreás Lang
Frank Herzog
Ludwig Popp
Bettina Speckner
Masayuki Akiyoshi
Scarlet Berner
Yukara Shimizi
Almut Determeyer
Quirin Bäumler
Discoteca Flaming Star
Tom Früchtl
Andy Hope 1930
Paul Huf
Franziska Hufnagel
Hans-Jörg Mayer
Aribert von Ostrowski
Maren Strack
Claudia Wieser
Moje Assefjah
Shirin Damerji
Claudia Djabbari
Michael von Brentano
Manfred Erjautz
Ivan Baschang
Klaus vom Bruch
Jean Marc Bustamante
Günther Förg
Michael Hofstetter
Iska Jehl
Dieter Rehm
Peter Reill
Matthias Wähner
Gregor Passens
Martin Wöhrl
Patricia London Ante Paris
Martin Fengel
Jörg Koopmann
Elmar Bambach
Julia Marquardt
Birgit Vogel
Yehuda Altmann
Olaf Unverzart
Alexandra Vogt

An art space
of the city of Munich