Letzte Ausfahrt Europa

© Jörg Koopmann

© Jörg Koopmann

© Jörg Koopmann

© Jörg Koopmann

© Jörg Koopmann

© Jörg Koopmann

© Jörg Koopmann

© Jörg Koopmann

© Jörg Koopmann

© Jörg Koopmann

Foto in bronze und weiß: Vier männliche Jugendliche sitzen auf einem Dach. Im Hintergrund erheben sich drei Schornsteine in einen bewölkten Himmel

Letzte Ausfahrt Europa
© Frank Eydner

Frank Eydner lives in Munich and is a photographer and street cleaner. He has pursued both professions with great seriousness for decades and the two vocations have always influenced each other. On his tours through Munich and on his travels to other European cities, he has captured in photographs what he encounters and what touches him. It is the people that interest him and the places that are shaped by the people. The exhibition in the Rathausgalerie shows a large selection of these pictures. At the same time, the artist's almost classic Munich motifs can be seen in the Lord Mayor’s Gallery on the 2nd floor of the town hall until the middle of April 2024.

“The contemporary artist has a responsibility towards humanity, he must constantly celebrate humanity and oppose the dehumanization of our culture.” Frank Eydner

Letzte Ausfahrt Europa
Exhibition duration
An art space
of the city of Munich